Dec 12, 2006

Dreamweaver + Ruby

Lucrez la o aplicatie in Ruby si vreau sa folosesc mediul de lucru preferat, Dreamweaver. Problema.

Din fericire Rob Cameron doreste sa imparta cu noi o extensie foarte folositoare zic eu, rubyweaver. Dupa instalarea extensiei Dreamweaver recunoaste fisierele .rhtml iar codul apare highlighted. Siteul lui este offline dar am pus-o pentru download aici.

When creating a new file via File > New..., you will see that Ruby is available as a file type in the "Text" grouping and Rails under the "Basic Page" grouping. YML and SQL are also available in the "Other" group. To view and make changes to color coding, go to Edit > Preferences > Code Coloring and select Ruby or Rails from the list, then click the "Edit Scheme" button.
This new version has basic code hinting, thanks to BDC Software Inc. for the hinting file (available at: These code hints depend on typing the full function name and an opening parenthesis before they'll kick in and show options. Ideally, as soon as you begin typing Dreamweaver would show a list of everything matching what you've typed so far. Still working on this.
To get the proper HTML coloring to show up in Rails files you need to go to Edit > Preferences > Code Format. Click on the Tag Library Editor link, then click on the HTML Folder at the top of the tree. Below turn on the checkbox for Rails.

Daca sunteti sceptici privind instalarea acestei extensii sau nu va place cum functioneaza mai exista si varianta aceasta.
Eu fiind mai comod si poate si din lipsa de timp am ales extensia.

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